Tutorial One:
1. Listing all the files:
When you first login, your current working directory is your home directory.
To find out what is in your home directory, type:
(list down all the contents/files at working directory)
ls -a
(list down all Hidden files or dot[.] files)
2. Making Directories:
For making directory/folders under home directory use below command:
mkdir filename
to see the directory you have created, tye:
It will show your created directory/folder
3. Change Directory:
To change the current directory/folder and go to different/into created directory/folder, type:
cd filename
It will go into the directory
4. The . and .. directory:
cd .
You will stay where you are (the same directory)
cd ..
It will take you one directory up (back to home directory)
5. Pathnames:
To know where you are currently in file system, type:
It means 'print working directory). It will show you the full pathname
6. ~ (tilde) character:
It can be used to specify paths starting to your home directory so typing:
ls ~/homeDirectory
It will list down all the contents of directory (no matter where you are in file system)
1. Listing all the files:
When you first login, your current working directory is your home directory.
To find out what is in your home directory, type:
(list down all the contents/files at working directory)
ls -a
(list down all Hidden files or dot[.] files)
2. Making Directories:
For making directory/folders under home directory use below command:
mkdir filename
to see the directory you have created, tye:
It will show your created directory/folder
3. Change Directory:
To change the current directory/folder and go to different/into created directory/folder, type:
cd filename
It will go into the directory
4. The . and .. directory:
cd .
You will stay where you are (the same directory)
cd ..
It will take you one directory up (back to home directory)
5. Pathnames:
To know where you are currently in file system, type:
It means 'print working directory). It will show you the full pathname
6. ~ (tilde) character:
It can be used to specify paths starting to your home directory so typing:
ls ~/homeDirectory
It will list down all the contents of directory (no matter where you are in file system)
list files and directories
ls -a
list all files and directories
make a directory
cd directory
change to named directory
change to home-directory
cd ~
change to home-directory
cd ..
change to parent directory
display the path of the current directory